Redvers-Dunstanville Lines


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Redvers-Dunstanville Line

Abrincis, Avranches, Balun, Bayeux, Brion, Brionis, Conqueror, Corbeau, Corbet, Dunstanville, England, FitzOsborne, FitzRichard, Flanders, Goz, Normandy, Redvers

Redvers Line

From Avis de Redvers
+*Richard de Redvers, Earl of Devon
b. abt 1118 Tiverton Castle, Devonshire, England
d. 21 Apr 1162 Devonshire, England
+*Denise de Dunstanville (see Dunstanville Line for further ancestors)
b. abt 1138 Cornwall, England
d. 21 Apr 1162

++*Baldwin de Redvers, Earl of Devon
b. abt 1090 Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
d. 01 Jun 1155 Quarr, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
++*Lucia de Balun (see Balun Line for further ancestors)
b. 1099 England

+++*Richard de Abrincis (surnamed de Redvers)
d. 1137
+++*Adeliza FitzOsborne (see FitzOsborne Line for further ancestors)

++++*Baldwyn de Brionis, Baron of Okehampton
Came with William the Conqueror
++++*Albreda Goz (see Goz Line for further ancestors)
(it is not clear in my information whether or not she was the mother of Richard de Abrincis)

+++++*Gilbert, Earl of Brion
+++++Adeliza ?

++++++*Godfrey, Earl of Eu and Brion

Goz Line

From Albreda Goz
+*Richard (surnamed Goz) Count of Avranches

++*Thurstan "Le Goz" Vicount of Avranches and Hiesmer
b. abt 1000
d. aft 1041
++Judith Monterolier

++++*Ansfred le Goz Vicounte of Hiesmer
d. aft 1035

++++*Ansfried "The Dane" Count of Hiesmer
d. aft 978

FitzOsburne Line

From Adeliza FitzOsborne
+*William FitzOsborne, Earl of Hereford
d. 20 Feb 1071
+*Adeliza de Toeni (see Toeni Line for further ancestors)
b. abt 1036
d. abt 1060

++*Osbern de Crepon, Steward to Duke William of Normandy
b. abt 976
d. abt 1040 (murdered in defense of William during the wars of succession)
++*Emma de Bayeux and Ivry (see Bayeux Line for further ancestors)

+++*Herfastus de Crepon
b. abt 950

++++Herbastus de Crepon

Bayeux Line

From Emma of Bayeux and Ivry
+*Ralph (Rodolph) of Normandy

++*William Longsword, Duke of Normandy (see Norman Line for further ancestors)

++Unknown Mistress

Toeni Line

From Adeliza de Toeni
+*Roger I "Hispanicus" de Toeni
b. abt 968
d. abt 1040
bur. The Abbey of St. Peter and St. Paul, Chatillon, France
+*Adelaide of Barcelona (see Barcelona Line for further ancestors)
d. abt 1051

++*Hugh de Calvacamp
b. abt 890

+++*Malahulc of Toeni
b. abt 845 Maerr, Nord Trondelag, Norway (see Norman Line for further ancestors)

Barcelona Line

From Adelaide of Barcelona
+*Raymond Borrel I of Barcelona
b. 972
d. 25 Feb 1018
Ermesinde de Carcassone (see Carcassone Line (900's) for further ancestors)

++*Borrel II Count of Barcelona, Odona and Gerona, Vassal to the Emirs of Cordoba
b. bef 948
d. 30 Sep 992
++*Luitgarde d'Auxerre and Toulouse
b. abt 940
d. aft 977

+++*Sunifred of Urgel
b. abt 900
d. 948
+++*Richilde of Rouergue (see Rouergue Line for further ancestors)

Rouergue Line

From Richilde of Rouergue
+Armengol of Toulouse
d. 937
+Adelaide of Toulouse

Carcassone Line (900's)

From Ermesinde de Carcassone
+*Roger I de Comminges
d. 1019
+Adelaide de Rouergue

++Arnold de Comminges
d. bet 945 and 957
Married in 940
++*Arsinde de Carcassone (see Carcassone Line (800's) for further ancestors)

Carcassone Line (800's)

From Arsinde de Carcassone
+*Acfrid II de Carcassone
d. abt 935

++*Oliba II de Carcassone
d. 879

+++*Oliba I de Carcassone
d. 837
+++Ermentrude ?

++++Bellon Count of Carcassone
d. aft 812

Balun Line

From Lucia Balun
+Dru de Balun

Dunstanville Line

From Denise de Dunstanville
+*Rainald de Dunstanville, 1st Earl of Cornwall
b. 1112 Dunstanville, Kent, England
d. 1 Jul Chertsy, Surrey, England
buried: Reading Abbey, Surrey, England
+*Beatrice FitzRichard (see FitzRichard Line for further ancestors)
b. abt 1115

++*Henry I "Beauclerc" King of England
b. 1070 Chertsy, Surrey, England
d. Dec 1135
Had Mistress

++*Sybilla Corbet (see Corbet Line for further ancestors)
b. abt 1077 Alcaster, Warwickshire, England

+++*William the Conqueror King of England, Duke of Normandy
b. 1027 Falaise, Calvados, France
d. 09 Sept 1087 Rouen, France
Married in 1053
+++*Matilda Countess of Flanders
b. 1032 Flanders, France
d. 03 Nov 1083 Caen, Calvados, France

FitzRichard Line

From Beatrice FitzRichard
+*William FitzRichard
b. 1084

++*Richard FitzRichard de Clare
b. 1062 Tunbridge, Kent, England
d. 1100

+++*Richard FitzGilbert de Clare
(brother of Baldwyn de Brionis, son of Gilbert Crispin, Count of Eu and Brion)
b. 1035
d. 8 Sep 1107
+++*Rohese Giffard de Bolbec (see Giffard Line for further ancestors)
b. 1034

Giffard Line

From Rohese Giffard de Bolbec
+*Walter Giffard de Bolbec Count of Longueville and 1st Earl of Buckingham
d. 1102
+*Agnes Flaitell (see Flaitell Line for further ancestors)

++Osborn de Bolbec
++*Avelina de Crepon (sister of Gunnora and Herfastus de Crepon, daughter of Herbastus de Crepon)

Corbet Line

From Sybilla Corbet
+*Robert Corbet
b. abt 1040
d. aft 1121

++Hugh Corbeau
b. abt 1020 Pays de Caux, Normandy, France
d. aft 1121